Friday, November 28, 2014

So many ways to learn....

"Anything that is worth teaching can be presented in many different ways......."

                                                                                                 Howard Gardner

Diversity: The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences.  Definition found at

Block 3~Each one of us is different. 
     Look at the picture above. This is our Social Studies class. Each of us is different. We do not all have the same gloves, our skin tones are different, the size of our hands are different, and each one of us learn in a different way. Some of us may learn in similar ways to another, but each one has their own unique style of learning. Each one of us will have our own unique style of teaching, and each one of us is learning about reaching all of our students by being creative teachers. 

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By being creative teachers, we are setting our students up for success.........

     We learned about Gardner's Multiple Intelligences during one of our first classes in Social Studies. As with the Cultural Backpack, students learn in many diverse ways. Because of this, it is conducive and beneficial that we know how to teach in many diverse ways. 

     Isn't that what one of the definitions of creativity is? To think outside of the box? Why then, would we as teachers choose to teach only inside of the box when we have alot of students that are.................

So with so many students learning outside of the box because they learn in diverse ways, it only seems logical that teachers should teach outside of the box to try and reach all of our diverse learners. 

Dare to be that teacher!
 Below is a picture explaining Howard Gardner's Theory  of Multiple Intelligences. 

Chart found on
There are nine different intellegences according to Gardner. Which I translate to mean that there are nine different ways people learn the best according to their strengths. 

What are your strengths? Which intelligence(s) are you? To take a quick test to find out, click on the link.

Our class took a test to determine what our strengths are and which intellegence(s) we were the strongest.

     My strongest intelligences are Interpersonal, Kinesthetic and Verbal. This makes total sense to me as I am a hands on learner, I am keenly aware of others around me and I am quite the chatty gal, as well as love to write.

     It would be fun as well as beneficial I think to conduct this type of test in my own classroom. It would help me to categorize which way students learn the best. This could greatly help me to modify or adapt my instruction to try to reach all of my students. 
It is up to us to find a way to teach our students in the ways that they learn the best. 

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