Sunday, October 5, 2014

Lets Trade!

"The most effective way to do it, is to do it."
                                                                Amelia Earhart 

In Social Studies we participated in a Trade Fair, where my classmates and I brought in different items to trade. There was not any money  involved as this was an exercise to simulate how long ago, trading items  was used as the main form of currency rather than the coins or money that we use today. It was a blast and the entire class really got into trading and bartering with each other. 
Kelly is really trying to trade some tasty treats with Steph, hmmm, was it successful?
I brought in several different things to trade. Some were home made, such as snow flakes made from twigs, the brownies that are pictured above, lunch and a Halloween bucket with classroom decorations. 

This was some of my items for trade...

Some tables were basically bombarded with people wanting to trade for the goods brought in. It was a great way to see where the demand lies for our class of pre-service teachers. We are all excited about beginning our careers inspiring the love of learning in our future students. 

Clare cleaned out her basement and her items for our future classrooms were in 'hot' demand! Kasey is deliberating over what she wants...decisions, decisions.... 
Clare's table was the "hot" side of the room. Several items for classrooms as well as books for a classroom library were great items for demand!

Steph trading with Wendy  for Wendy's beautiful home made scarves. (I obtained one of these coveted scarves!)

Krystle is obviously pleased with her acquired goods from what looks to be a successful trade!

I couldn't be more tickled with my trade to Wendy for this beautiful home-made scarf! What a prize!
This was a great way for us to really get in and get the feel for how it was so many years ago. The planning that each of us did, and the items we gathered, and how we agreed to trade were all factors to consider. Many of us had conversations before the fair discussing what we felt would be in "hot demand." As a teacher, in my own classroom, I will think back to this activity and strive to accomplish the same, which is to "bring my students in" to their learning experience.  This was an amazing lesson and exercise that put us "in" the experience and caused us to really think about what it was to "trade" for goods and services. So many lessons can be built around activities like this one. Personally speaking, this activity created active engagement and a drive to learn more. It is not an experience that I will forget!

In the words of Benjamin Franklin......

                                                                                                     Quote found on Pinterest

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