Saturday, October 4, 2014

.......CREATIVITY.......What does it really mean?

"Why fit in when you were born to
                    STAND OUT!"      Dr. Seuss
                                                                                                              Quote found on Pinterest
Saturday, October 4th

That is exactly the way I feel today as I begin my entries. I don't feel like following the rhythm of the traditional drumbeat, but rather march to the beat of my own drum. A lot of this could stem from the possibility that I am a bit behind with posting our Social Studies and Art adventures. A lot has happened in the past few weeks that I am very excited about and would like to share. This excitement will be what leads my posts and then I will back-track and fill in past excitements. I will however, give the necessary information that will make my entries easy to follow and allow you the reader the opportunity to form connections to previous posts. 
                  With that being said, lets get to the good stuff! 

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                        What does "creativity" mean to you? 

My definition of "creativity" is thinking outside the box, daring to be different, doing what you really want to do to express and relay your ideas.
As a teacher, my definition of "creativity" is finding unique and alternative ways to reach all of my students, as well as having an open mind to suggestions and alternative possibilities. "Creativity" is following my students interests and accommodating their interests by integrating my lessons content around it if at all possible. "Creativity" is finding ways to get my  students excited about what they are learning. If they are interested they will be involved and engaged. They will become a part of the lesson rather than a recipient.

When we discussed creativity in class, we were asked to think about the word creativity. As a group, we compiled a list of our different views of the question "What is it to be creative?" Our list is as follows:
 "What does it mean to be creative?"
sky is the limit
not cookie cutter
make it your own
 outside the box
doing something your not used to
go overboard on a project
own it
We were then asked to think about how we would define creativity, and as a group, we compiled another list of words that we used to define creativity.
"How do you define creativity?"
meaning behind it
your own

Everyone is different. We all have different views of what it is to be creative or what creativity means. Together we agreed that creativity has to do with the attitude the person has towards it. To be a creative teacher is also to allow your students to be creative. Let them be a part of the process. So with that, I will leave you with one final thought.........

                                        Image uploaded from


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